The Students’ Association of Red Deer Polytechnic Student Initiative Program (SIP)

As part of our continuous effort to support Red Deer Polytechnic students, the Students’ Association of Red Deer Polytechnic is launching a new program in which we help fund student-led initiatives. Our goal is to develop leadership capacity within the community, help our members grow personally and professionally, and foster new ideas while promoting change. This program is open to all full and part-time Members of the Association.

Applications are reviewed by the Membership Engagement Committee, which is chaired by the Association’s Vice President Academic, on a regular basis.

Students are eligible for a maximum of $300.00 per event. The reimbursement amount is dependent on the total reflected in your submitted receipts and may not exceed the amount approved.

Successful applicants are required to submit an actual expense report and brief summary of the approved event before receiving reimbursement. Pre-funding may be available dependent on the situation. Additionally, we request a write up providing feedback on your event.

Once all documents are received and reviewed by the Vice President Academic, recipients will receive reimbursement for the event.

If you have any questions, please email [email protected].


Please complete and submit this application at least four (4) weeks prior to the date of the event.

Grant applications from the Membership and/or recognized students groups may be considered.

Applications may be submitted online via form below or downloaded and brought to our office.